Loynds supply an extensive range of NEW confectionery processing and packaging machinery. We design, manufacture and work in conjunction with other manufacturers to offer and support a complete range of cost efficient equipment.
Call: +44 (0) 1253 882 961
E-Mail: sales@loynds.co.uk
for more information.
Loynds chocolate holding tanks are made from full stainless steel and are available in a range of sizes from 100kg up to 5000kg capacities....
ViewChocolate Holding Tanks – Various Capacities
The Loynds Candy Hot Table is ideal for preventing a candy batch from cooling too quickly, leaving you with more time to work malleable candy into the final product....
ViewLarge Hot Table for Candy Making HT01
Aftermarket dies built to your specification suitable for all makes and models of die formed confectionery machinery....
ViewCustom-Made Rotary Forming Dies for Confectionery Manufacturing – CF02E
The BL01 Rotary Forming Machine manufactures ball lollipops from 15mm up to 30mm. The speed of the machine is variable up to 800 lollipops per minute....
ViewBall Lollipop Forming Machine-BL01
Loynds Jacketed Chocolate Pumps are variable speed units with a maximum pump capacity of up to 1920 litres per hour- 50mm inlet and outlet connection....
ViewChocolate Pumps – CPU002
The Loynds Drop Roller Candy Machine is suitable for low to medium volume artisan candy manufacturers, or for use in recipe development kitchens. ...
ViewDrop Roller Candy Machines – DR01 – DR02
Five-tiered refrigerated cooler for lollipop manufacturing...
ViewRefrigerated Lollipop Cooler – BL03
Five-tiered ambient cooler. Internal fans and mesh transport beds keep air circulating as lollipops pass through the five layers of cooling....
ViewAmbient Lollipop Cooler – BL02
Loynds can supply lollipop sticks in either plastic, paper or wood. Sourced from our partner companies located around the world or manufactured in the UK by our sister company Yolli. We can supply anything...
ViewBulk Buy Lollipop Sticks
Ideal for factories with a hotter ambient air temperature and therefore require a more intense cooling medium than our standard ambient cooler....
ViewRefrigerated 3Tier Cooler for Confectionery Manufacturing – RC14
Low speed ball lollipop bunch wrapping machine for speeds of up to 115 lollipops per minute....
ViewBall Lollipop Bunch Wrapping Machine – 115ppm – BL05
Medium speed ball lollipop wrapping machine for bunch style wrapping....
ViewBall Lollipop Bunch Wrapping Machine – 325ppm – BL04
Heavy duty Z Blade mixers for tough to mix products. Suitable for bubble gum and chewing gum masses, the mixers will also mix many other stiff products. The mixers are jacketed and have their own self cont...
ViewZ Blade Mixers – ZB02_ZB03_ZB04
Loynds Sugar Pulling Machines are used for the pulling and aeration of both hard and soft candy masses. ...
ViewSugar / Candy Pulling Machines: PM02 and PM03 Models
10Kg batch capacity Sugar Pulling Machines are used for the aeration of both hard and soft candy masses....
ViewSugar Confectionery Pulling Machine 10kg – PM01
200kg per hour automatic tempering....
ViewTempering Machine 90Kg Per Hour – M1250
200kg per hour automatic tempering....
ViewTempering Machine 200Kg Per Hour – M1450
The best value tempering machine in our range. The wheelie 14 tempers the melted chocolate by adding chocolate callets....
ViewWheel Tempering Machine 14Kg – M1276
Rock candy cutters designed for candy manufacturers. Adjustable length, high throughput, and effortless cuts for uniform candy bars. ...
ViewAdjustable Rock Candy Bar Cutters for Candy Pole Manufacturers
Launch your candy business with our Turnkey Candy Manufacturing Starter Kit: British-made, complete with all the essential machinery to manufacture artisan candies effortlessly and efficiently....
ViewTurnkey Candy Manufacturing Business Starter Package
The Loynds Mini Batch Roller is often the first machine required in the forming process of candy products. It rolls the candy into a conical rope necessary for further processing....
ViewMini Batch Roller for Low – Medium Volume Candy Forming – BR02
The Loynds Mini Hot Table is ideal for the artisan candy maker who needs to keep the batch hot during the manufacturing process....
ViewMini Hot Table – MHT01: for Artisan Confectionery Manufacturing
The Loynds Mini Cold Table is the perfect solution for cooling candy batches. Due to its small size, the table is ideal for low volume candy production, candy demonstrations and recipe development kitchens...
ViewMini Cold Table for Confectionery Cooling – MCT01
Ambient cooling system featuring an oscillating bed and ambient air fans to prevent product sticking and maintain product shape...
ViewShaking Bed Cooler – DC01E3
The Logo Candy Disc Cutting Machine is essential for the cutting of rock candy into perfectly formed discs or balls. Any designs such as fruits, faces or lettering running through the centre will be neatly...
ViewAutomatic Logo Candy Ball & Disc Cutting Machine – DC01 and DC02
Non-Stick food grade cloth for covering work surfaces in your confectionery manufacturing production area....
ViewConfectionery Manufacturing Non Stick Slab Cloth – SC01
The Loynds Candy Pulling Hook is an essential tool for anybody making candy by hand. Pulling candy adds air to the batch. This changes the mouth feel, increases the volume and turns the candy white....